10 Foods to Prevent Cancer Diseases

Januari 24, 2018
Cancer is not a disease anymore. Yes, you read it right. According to a research conducted by Cambridge University it has revealed that cancer is just a vitamin deficiency and can be cured completely. But before explaining it in detail I would like you to know that there are cancer cells in every body, that's right cancer cells exist in your body and my body as well. It only multiplies and spreads all over the body by deficiency of vitamin b17.

Cancer was first detected in soldiers of World War II where they had to travel long distances and fight without enough nutritious food. Since then the disease has been named incurable. However it is revealed that cancer can be cured and prevented by eating the following foods that are rich in Vitamin b17. Healthy eating is often neglected by us in our busy schedule and eating unhealthy food at irregular intervals triggers obesity and develops ulcers and other stomach disorders. Here are a few tips for healthy eating.


Cranberry fruit is an excellent source of vitamin b17. Drinking cranberry juice everyday is an excellent antioxidant for your body. It is also good for diabetics.


Almonds are high in vitamin b17 and eating 15 grams of almonds soaked overnight in mineral water and having it in your breakfast is an excellent food for starting your day.

Black Mulberry

Black mulberry is an excellent fruit that is rich in vitamin b17. Eating black mulberry everyday meets most of your vitamin requirements.


Strawberries are high in vitamin C and b17 regular intake of strawberries prevent diabetes and regulates your blood pressure and also prevents cancer.

Sesame Seeds

Sesame seeds are high in vitamin b17 and regular consumption will regulate blood pressure and prevent cancer.


Cashews are rich in vitamin b17 and are an excellent protein source for your body. Eating 10grams of cashew everyday in your breakfast is great to start your day.


Pistachios are also rich in vitamin b17 and are an excellent protein source. Eating 10 grams of it in your breakfast is great to start your day.


Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), a member of the grass family, is a major cereal grain grown in temperate climates globally is an excellent source of vitamin b17. Drinking barley water prevents formation of kidney stones, clears toxins from stomach and reduces cholesterol.


Wheatgrass is an excellent efficacy for curing things like arthritis, diabetes, wound healing, bacterial infections, common colds, UTIs.


Amla or Indian gooseberry is an excellent fruit that is rich in vitamin C, vitamin b17. Eating this gooseberry everyday supplies all vitamins for your body.

Finally Wash your vegetables in vinegar before cooking and pour some vinegar over your utensils after washing with detergents as this will remove the toxic chemicals that trigger cancer in your body.


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9685878

Can Vitamins Fight Cancer?

Januari 24, 2018
What scientists know - and don't know - about treating cancer with nutrients.

Hydroxyurea. Mercaptopurine. Cyclophosphamide. One thing all cancer drugs seem to have in common is their hard-to-spell names.

Or do they? How about A? D? E? These aren't fancy new drugs - they're plain old vitamins. Yet, when administered by scientists in large doses, some vitamins may act like drugs, or work with standard cancer-fighting drugs. It isn't clear yet whether the research into this futuristic notion of vitamin chemo-therapy will ever pan out. But if the research is successful, chemotherapy could be much easier to take - and a lot easier to spell.

Here's what scientists have learned so far:


Synthetic versions of vitamins A and D seem to hold promise in the treatment of myeloid leukemia, a cancer of white blood cells.

The main problem in leukemia is that immature white blood cells proliferate in the bloodstream, crowding out normal red and white cells. This causes severe anemia and comprises the immune system. But through a hormonal interaction, vitamins A and D seem to make the immature cells grow up. Mature cells appear to stop their rapid reproduction and are able to carry out their immune-system functions.

Initially the active form of vitamin D was tested, but in high doses this has the unfortunate side-effect of causing the body to retain calcium. That could cause complications, including hardening of the vital organs and death. But the synthetic version of vitamin D has a more powerful maturing influence on leukemia cells - and a much-lowered calcium-loading mechanism. In studies on leukemia lab mice, this synthetic compound achieved much better results than pure vitamin D. "Some of the mice treated with synthetic D may actually be cured of their leukemia," reports H. Phillip Koeffler, M.D., professor of medicine at UCLA and one of the leading researchers in this field.

Synthetic vitamin A has been tested in humans against leukemia, but not on a very widespread scale. A few years ago, American researchers at several different medical centers were involved in a double-blind, randomized trial of 13-cisretinoic acid (a retinoid compound) in patients with a pre-leukemia condition called myelodysplastic syndrome. Problems with the study - including many patients quitting the trial - cast suspicion on the results, according to Dr. Koeffler.

One of the researchers, however, continued the study on his own after the trial ended, and found a significant response. Was the original trial too short? It's hard to say without attempts to duplicate those results. The study also showed physicians that the side-effects of retinoid therapy drying can be reduced with doses of vitamin E.

More reports have come from other countries. Researchers in China and France have reportedly achieved promising results using trans retinoic acid (ATRA) against acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL). Most of the patients in Chinese studies went to remission. A French researcher has reportedly duplicated their results.

Other research shows that of seven APL patients (from four different studies) treated with isotretinoin, four had what was termed "remarkable responses." Clearly, there's enough evidence to warrant further research on both synthetic A and D.


Leucovorin is a synthetic form of the B vitamin folate. It's being used in in combination with a cancer drug called fluorouracil, commonly referred to as 5-FU. 5-FU/leucovorin is being used against several types of cancer.

By itself, 5-FU has been used against colon cancer for more than 5 decades. It interferes with cancer growth by binding to an enzyme needed for cell reproduction. (Some cancer cells reproduce much faster than normal cells. That's how some tumours grow in relation to surrounding tissue.)

Leucovorin, though, seems to strengthen the bond between 5-FU and the enzyme. The drug/vitamin combination hold onto the enzyme for a longer period than the drug alone. Fewer free enzymes means slowed or stopped tumour growth.

5-FU/leucovorin has determined its effectiveness against advanced, inoperable colon cancer. "That's where we hope to have real impact on the survival rates," says Susan G. Arbuck, a research clinician at Roswell Park Memorial Institute, in New York.

5-FU/leucovorin is currently also being tested against a variety of other melignancies, including cancers of the stomach, breast, pancreas, head and neck.


Colorectal polyps are easy to remove but may recur. That prompted researchers at the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research in Canada to test the effect of vitamin C and E on polyp recurrence.

Two hundred people who were free of polyps after surgery were split into two groups. One was given daily supplements of 400 mg. of vitamin E. the other got blank look-alikes. After about two years, all the patients were checked for polyp recurrence. The researchers noted a slight reduction in polyp recurrence among the patients receiving vitamins C and E. they stressed that further studies should be performed to rule out the possibility that this was a chance finding.


Bladder polyps, which can become cancerous, are fairly easy to treat by surgical removal. But there's a 70 per cent risk of recurrence or that new polyps will form. To prevent that, researchers at West Virginia University tested mega-doses of four vitamins as an adjunct to conventional therapy after bladder surgery.

Patients are being divided into two groups: People in one group take multiple vitamins at the recommended daily allowance levels; those in the other group get the same, but with mega-doses of vitamins A, B6, C and E. vitamin B6 has been tested with good results in other preliminary blabber-cancer studies in humans. Vitamins A and C have been tried against blabber cancer in animal studies, with early encouraging results. Vitamin E hasn't been tested specifically against bladder polyps before, but has shown promise in other cancer trials.


A few years ago, a report from the British Columbia Cancer research Center, in Vancouver, announced that Vitamin A could heal oral leukoplakias (pre-cancerous sores inside the mouth). The study involved 21 people who chew betel leaves with tobacco and betel nut mixture known to cause an abundance of leukoplakias. After six months of taking vitamin A supplements, 57 per cent of the people showed no detectable disease. And none of the tobacco/betel chewers developed new sores while on the vitamin A. experts estimate that normally only 5 per cent of such sores disappear on their own.

Now word comes from the University of California Clinical Cancer Center and the University of Arizona Cancer Center that a milder form of vitamin therapy has the same effect. Seventeen people with oral leukoplakias were given beta-carotene. Each person took 30 mg. of supplemental beta-carotene per day for three months. Those whose leukoplakias responded to the treatment were kept on it for an additional three months.

At the end of the study, two patients had complete remission of their leukoplakias, and 12 others had partial remission. Of the remaining three, one showed no change and the other two got worse. Overall, that's an 82 per cent positive response rate.

The exciting aspect of this study is that beta-carotene, the safest source of vitamin A, was so effective. Pure vitamin A is toxic in high doses, and even the retinoids have unpleasant side-effects (primarily skin problems). But beta-carotene is virtually problem-free, even in high doses. That's because the body converts only as much beta-carotene into vitamin A as is needed at the moment. The excess is excreted harmlessly.


Several synthetic forms of vitamin A, collectively called retinoids, have been tested as treatments for skin cancers known as basal-cell and squamous-cell carcinoma. In several tests - just in the experimental stage - oral doses of retinoids have been effective against these carcinomas because retinoids accumulate primarily in the skin.

Most of the studies performed so far have been small, but the results are encouraging. These skin cancers, like all the others that retinoids have been used against, are unlikely to regress on their own. So researchers think that even though their tests are preliminary and have no control groups, the retinoids are probably responsible for the positive effects.

The retinoids etretinate and isotretinoin have been used to treat basal-cell carcinoma. In three separate studies on a total of 56 people, 23 showed a partial regression of cancer (the tumour shrank), and five showed complete regression (disappeared). This is an overall response rate of 50 per cent, meaning that half the people experienced some decrease in the number or size of tumours.

Retinoids have also been tested against malignant melanoma, a more serious form of skin cancer. Preliminary results from a small study of 20 people with advanced melanoma showed some shrinkage of tumours in three people. It's far from a cure, but it's a glimmer of hope against a type of cancer that has been resistant to drugs.

A rare skin cancer called mycosis fungoides had shown good response to retinoid therapy. In five preliminary studies, a total 78 people with the disease were put on oral isotretinoin. More than half showed at least a partial response.

Once treatment was completed, though, many of the cancers returned. This suggests that regular doses of retinoids may be required for a "cure". Among other things, doctors are conducting studies to determine the best maintenance dose: one that minimizes skin and mucous-membrane drying, the main side-effect.

Researchers are having better luck using oral retinoids against squamous-cell carcinoma. In four small studies, a total 14 squamous-cell patients were treated with etretinate (4 patients), isotretinoin (9), or arotinoid (1). Six of the 14 had partial remission (tumour reduced in size) or temporary remission (tumours shrank or stopped growing for a short time); another 4 had complete, sustained remissions of the squamous-cell tumours. That adds up to a 71 per cent response om an admittedly small sample.

Both basal-cell and squamous-cell carcinomas are relatively easy to cure with surgical removal (used in 90 per cent of cases), radiation therapy or tissue destruction with extreme heat or cold. So, why all this fuss about retinoids?

Surgery and other tissue-destroying therapies leave scars. That's not a big problem for a person with one tumour on the back of a hand. But a majority of people with carcinoma have several tumours on areas of body that are regularly exposed to the tumour-inducing ultraviolet rays of the sun: not only the hands, but the head and neck as well.

Retinoids don't leave scars: Tumours shrink away and normal tissue fills in. That's especially valuable in advanced disease. "One patient had severe, disfiguring tumours on his neck and nose. After six months on isotrtinoin, the neck tumour had shrunk to a small, flat lesion. And the nose tumour had shrunk by 70 per cent, with preliminary rebuilding of his all-but-eroded nose," explained Scott M. Lippman, M.D., of the hematology/oncology department of M.D. Anderson Cancer Center at the University of Texas.


Vitamin chemotherapy is a seductive idea: The ultimate goal is an effective natural cancer treatment with no pain and minimal expense. But it's not quite that simple - yet.

Scientists are going full bore to see if any of these treatments will turn out to be effective. And even for the vitamins showing the greatest potential, questions of dosage and side-effects must be resolved.

Note, too, that several of the vitamin therapies don't use pure vitamins. Leucovorin and isotrtinoin are synthetic chemical equivalent of folate and vitamin A, respectively. Slight alterations in their chemistry make them more efficient treatments and/or reduce dangerous side-effects seen in high doses of the original vitamin. These synthetic vitamins are different enough to be treated as drugs by the Food and Drug Administration in the U.S. where they're available by prescription only.

Until scientists nail down the facts, the best course is to go with what we know. Opt for the proven medical treatments. Have suspected cancer checked by a physician. And try a good defense: There's strong scientific evidence that a healthy diet can help prevent the start of certain types of cancer. To use this evidence to your fullest advantage, eat a well-balanced, nutrient-dense diet that is low in fat. This includes low-fat meats and poultry, fish, whole-grain products, and generous amounts of fresh fruits and vegetables. If you're on a restricted diet - or need added assurance that you're getting the requisite amount of vitamins and minerals - you may want to consider taking a multiple supplement.

My firm belief is: "Finding a cause leads the way to find a cure". So, it is basically important to understand everything from its deepest core. And the best way to do so is: Keep on reading to develop and deepen your understanding on health and wellness at GrowTaller4IdiotsDS.com.

Cancer Can Be Healed Spiritually

Januari 24, 2018
This is a big call and one that is over-the-top for a lot of people. While I don't profess to know what causes cancer my experience in the Spirit is that fiction and things that one does in life are contributors. To explain that further it is important to know that my memory of reincarnation and link to the Spirit of the Universe established that we all reincarnate and life is a test of our spirituality.

What we expect from the medical profession with diagnosis of a tumour is a sentence of death or the removal of body parts. These things are hard to face and chemo-therapy or radiology, using sophisticated machinery, may offer help and even a cure. But the underlying cause remains.

Spirituality is something we are born with, not something acquired from a religious base. It is the link that allows the voice within to speak to us. This it does when the channel is open and not closed off by prejudices imposed by society or religion. The bottom line is the real God is waiting for its people to recognise it and to come away from the world.

The things that clog the channel and stop the power include work, study, and the absorption of untruths. Many love films and enjoying fun that creates an atmosphere of neglect. As we take aboard the inventions of man we also absorb the rubbish that builds up into diseases and such that will take our lives. Accidents, heart attacks, and long-term conditions are generated from such a base.

After a public speech a man approached and asked if the reason his son is crippled with cerebral palsy has anything to do with his religion. Unfortunately, it probably does because we are punished in many ways for what we accept that opposes the Spirit.

As the teaching became fulltime following a commission to remove the wall of blindness many people were healed, including some who had cancer. That is why this article is appealing to anyone who has a sense of spirituality to turn with all their heart and mind to God and plead for healing.

There have been times when it sent me to perfect strangers to answer their questions or to offer healing. One day I was spirituality taken to a man in the USA who was on death row. He was due to be executed within a day or so. Holding his hand and praying with him would have given him comfort and the following day a man confessed to the crime he was charged with. The near miss of his execution caused many states to ban the death penalty.

God uses everything to get to the one who are spiritual. Cancer is no different then a death sentence issued by a court, or to cerebral palsy or any other condition. If one can be spiritually healed so can they all.

Norma Holt was drawn to the research that went back to Babylon to unearth the roots of religion and identity of 666. She proves conclusively that heaven and hell are tricks designed to manipulate people into believing in his Islamic religion.

Cancer Antidote 3D

Januari 24, 2018
In 2016 the journal Nature published that DNA research revealed that the Australian Aboriginal culture was the oldest one on the earth. When looking to see if it possessed some outstanding property belonging to the evolution of the human species, an extraordinary discovery was made. The Indigenous Australian Dreamtime does indeed appear to hold a visual key to survival. This mindset key is consistent with the essence of Sir Isaac Newton's little known but nonetheless published conviction that gravitational force was certainly not caused by the mass of objects in space. Both mindsets are treated with dogmatic contempt by modern science.

When making such a controversial scientific statement, scientists need to present irrefutable evidence to support it. The published 28th Query of Newton's Opticks (4th ed.; 1730) is about the rewriting of science according to ancient Greek philosophy. Newton, the Australian Indigenous Dreamtime and ancient Greek science considered that the universe was an infinite living entity. That idea is in complete contradiction to Einstein's 'Premier law of all of the sciences', the Second law of thermodynamics, which demands the extinction of all life in the universe when all heat is lost into cold space. Obviously, modern science is unable to generate an infinite human survival blueprint.

Furthermore, Newton wrote in his Heresy Papers, published during the 1960s by Cambridge University Press that the "mechanical description of the universe had to be completed by a more profound natural philosophy of science based upon the principles of particles in motion". The journal, Nature, in 1989 published a paper entitled, Alchemy of Matter and Mind, written by Richard Gregory, Emeritus Professor of Neuropsychology at the University of Bristol (vol 342, 30 Nov, page 473) which contained the above statement by Newton.

Newton's third law of motion: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction is a crucial law belonging to Cancer Antidote 3D as it balances the energies of universal mechanistic chaos in order to evolve universal consciousness.

Einstein was a realist and his science was not incorrect but it had to obey the survival of the fittest paradigm observable in nature. When 21st Century DNA altered the rules of that science by demonstrating that all human tribes belong to one single species, the rules changed. A species that is constantly harming itself is expressing some form of a neurological cancer. Science is constantly changing, undergoing a transformation for the betterment of the human condition. At the same time the prevailing extinction conviction accelerates its contempt for that humane transition. The problem can be quickly resolved by programming a computer to entangle the extinction information with the human survival information under instructions to derive a human survival blueprint. These instructions require a more enlightened understanding of the functioning of emotional information than the prevailing scientific death cult, leading only to extinction.

During the 20th Century, Newton's discrediting of the fundamental structure of modern science took on a more ominous story-line. The existing structure of modern day 'Tribal Science' dooming itself to extinction by allowing itself to be governed by an incorrect understanding of the Second law of thermodynamics was the theme of a Science-Art lecture delivered by the molecular biologist, Sir C P Snow, at Cambridge University in 1959. The Times Literary Supplement in 2008 included his Rede Lecture in its list of the 100 books that most influenced Western public discourse since the Second World War. The reader of this article however, would most probably be unaware that Snow published the following concerning the collapse of second law of thermodynamics logic. "So the great edifice of modern physics goes up, and the majority of the cleverest people in the western world have about as much insight into it as their Neolithic ancestors would have had". However, no such Neolithic conviction that humans must become extinct existed within the Dreamtime intuitions of the oldest living culture on earth.

Sixty-two years following Snow's Science-Art survival culture concept the matter does not appear to be influencing Western public discourse. The prevailing thermodynamic global culture is now accelerating its extinction objective by the rapid growth of nuclear weaponry accompanied with obvious hostile tribal intent.

In 1972 The Founder of the American National Cancer Research Foundation, the Nobel Laureate in Medicine, Szent-Gyorgyi, wrote his 'Letter to science' adding a more menacing aspect to Newton and Snow's discrediting of the fundamental structure of modern science. Szent-Gyorgyi classified Snow's Neolithic tribal ancestors as "Crazy Apes" in which their understanding of the Second law of thermodynamics belonged to a carcinogenic mindset making the discovery of a cure for cancer impossible. He argued that increasing information entangled with the energies of extinction to evolve consciousness within an infinite universe. In quantum biology cancer research, healthy electromagnetic information is known to flow in the opposite direction to the energies belonging to the Second law of thermodynamics.

Georg Cantor, the mathematician who invented infinite set theory, which was later destined to become the basis of infinite holographic universal theory, predicted Szent-Gyorgyi's criticism of the obsolete 'Tribal Science' as a cancerous scientific mindset. Cantor diagnosed it as being infected by a "myopic fear of infinity inhabiting the modern scientific mind". Within holographic universe theory, information is considered an integral aspect of total reality with the property of being able to interact with emotion.

The association of Egyptian blue with ancient emotional artistic rituals is well documented within what the Faculty of Arts at the University of Bristol refers to as Literacy Archaeology. The Royal Society of Chemistry has written extensively about the recently discovered information properties of ancient Egyptian blue, a complex artificial pigment used for artwork. This pigment, when exposed to red light emits exceptionally strong, highly unusual infrared light, which humans cannot see but which some animals can. This bio-information can penetrate much further into human tissue than ultraviolet radiation. This is now understood to be relevant to future telecommunication and laser technology. Quantum biologists in bio-medical research are also able to associate this optics phenomenon with the workings of Cantor's holographic universe.

Photographs exist of the use of body paint pigments in prolonged ceremonies by Australian Indigenous people to firmly establish highly complex traditional survival information. Viewing these complex body-painting photographs through asymmetrical electromagnetic stereoscopic 3D glasses reveals other bio-information optics associated with future telecommunication. The Indigenous people's extraordinary longtime mindset association with the functioning of an infinite holographic universe as survival information surpasses Western science's conviction that all life in the universe must become extinct. The use of the stereoscopic glasses also reveals that in the 21st Century both Indigenous and Western artwork is now demonstrating the existence of what the philosopher of science, Immanuel Kant, termed a human survival asymmetrical electromagnetic field evolving within the artistic creative mind.

The potential for related technologies of tremendous importance is supported by the beliefs of the renowned engineer, Charles Proteus Steinmetz, who is mentioned later within this document.

During the 17th Century both Newton and his contemporary, Gottfried Leibniz, independently invented calculus. Leibniz's calculus was basic to Michael Talbot's book 'The holographic Universe', published in 1991. That book completely challenges Western science's concepts of reality. We now realise that Newton's infinite universal movement concepts merge with Cantor's conviction concerning a mathematics belonging to an infinite holographic universe. Complex human artistic emotional information can function in two directions, seemingly obeying Newton's law of equal and opposite reaction. One form of emotional information associated with a carcinogenic tribal glorification of war exists, creating an equal and opposite reaction; an artistic intuition for the human species to participate in the workings of an infinite universal reality. The balancing of the tribal scientific extinction mindset with one needed to develop the human survival technology may well be an integral aspect of holographic physics associated with Newton's Third Law.

In 1979 China's most highly awarded scientist, Kun Huang, provided Australian Science-Art researchers with the secret to discover the existence of an infinite life-force. He argued that if the nature of the life-force was discovered, modern science would be unable to comprehend its true meaning, because the Second law of thermodynamics would not allow it. During the 1980s Italy's leading scientific journal, Il Nouvo Cimento, published the Australian discovery that the seashell life-force extended to infinity. In 1990 the World's largest technological research institute, IEEE in Washington, reprinted their discovery as one of the important mathematical optical discoveries of the 20th Century, placing it alongside such names as Louis Pasteur and Francis Crick. Little notice was taken that if lifeless quantum mechanical mathematics was used to try and generate futuristic seashell life-forms only distorted carcinogenic computer simulations could be obtained. Furthermore, scientists were unable to accept that the life forms within the seashells were responsible for writing the infinite mathematics, as this contradicted the extinction logic of the Second law of thermodynamics.

Huang had been correct, modern science was unable to grasp the significance of the discovery of a living 3D stereoscopic survival mathematics extending to infinity. Nobody denied that spiders received complex engineering information to construct their webs but seashell life forms were not allowed to receive infinite evolutionary information to construct their shells. A far more serious aspect of science's carcinogenic mindset became obvious. Within the ancient Greek science the nature of political evil was made clear within Plato's book 'The Republic'. Evil was described as the destructive property of unformed matter within the physical atom, able to emerge to destroy civilisation. This nuclear emergence of evil was considered within ancient Greek science to occur if science was developed from information received from only human sense perceptions, in particular from visual perception. Although the Manhattan Project was obliged to build the atomic bomb before Hitler's psychopathic regime did, nobody thought about constructing the lost Greek political 'Science for ethical ends'. As a result the threat of nuclear warfare is now very real, with the aftermath a potential carcinogenic catastrophe beyond measure.

Genius mathematical information merged with human emotional curiosity at the dawn of recorded history in Mesopotamia. The Sumerians, by observing celestial movement gave us our 7 day week of 24 hours per day with each hour of 60 minutes. This intuitive gasp of time on earth was given direction by a circle containing 360 degrees. Both are now integral aspects of our exploration of deep space. While that intuition retained its scientific integrity into the 21st Century the Sumerian concept of infinity was destined to spawn violence and chaos throughout thousands of years of evolving tribal history.

Sumerian clay tablets record mythological warring gods from a dark abyss constructing hybrid humans from clay and later bestowing immortality upon various keepers of the Ark during the Great Flood. Together with the mythological worship of Inanna, the goddess of sex and war, such fanciful mythology appears as unlikely as the Australian Aboriginal animal shape-changing mythology. However, the Australian Indigenous concept of infinity has now become a rigorous measurable mathematical concept. Its association with a human survival concept, basic to workings of a holographic universe now appears to be far more important than the Sumerian intuitive time-direction reality associated with the exploration of outer space.

The Sumerian culture was replaced by that of the Babylonian Kingdom and the goddess Inanna became Ishtar, the goddess of prostitution and war. The Sumerian astrological mathematics was developed by the Babylonian priesthood who discovered how to accurately predict eclipses. A clay tablet exists written by a priest to the King of Babylon, which predicted the 673 BC Lunar eclipse. It contained the message that the gods demanded that the Babylonian populace was to be terrorised by the eclipse and that the King was to then instill a sexual frenzy for warfare to expand the boundaries of the Kingdom.

Ralph Waldo Emerson, the leader of the mid-19th Century transcendentalist movement, was familiar with the deceitful Babylonian mathematical legal system. Emerson argued that the American Plutocracy, government by the wealthy, had enslaved the American people into a perpetual debt system inherited from the Babylonian judicial system. His solution to this problem lay within ancient Sanskrit mathematics, in which the evolutionary process led to infinity instead of extinction, alluding to a new form of human survival technology.

Encyclopedia Britannica lists the German philosopher, Immanuel Kant, as arguably one of the greatest philosophers of all time. Kant laid the foundations of the electromagnetic Golden Age of Danish Science based upon the difference between aesthetics as art appreciation and ethics as an evolving spiritual wisdom through art. Both Kant and the philosopher, Emmanuel Levinas, agreed with the Greek philosopher and mathematician Plato, that aesthetically pleasing art was intrinsically unethical. They both concluded that Plato, over two thousand years ago, was searching for what they referred to as an asymmetrical electromagnetic spiritual wisdom evolving within the creative artistic mind.

While a huge library of books have been written about why Plato used the properties of magnets to condemn artistic aesthetics as evil, modern everyday reality easily explains it at once. The mathematical intent programmed into a poker-machine to bring some people into states of financial and moral bankruptcy is currently used to raise considerable revenue for the Australian Government. By using artistic sound and colour electromagnetic vibrations, heroin-like compulsions can be generated to compel some people to enter into a state of bankruptcy. Plutocracies use similar stock-market stratagems over longer periods of time, waging financial wars against each other to protect the people they represent from falling victim to foreign policies and ideologies.

Countless examples exist to demonstrate that tribal warrior courage and bravery were given public poetic acclaim and inspired aesthetically pleasing art-forms, used by governments to stimulate completely unethical public activity. The Roman Government legal system once claimed that the use of mathematics to construct beautiful aqueducts as an art form to being fresh water to the people of Rome was superior to the building of useless Egyptian pyramids. It considered that its Colosseum was the epitome of Greek artistic culture, yet for centuries it was used to excite people with insatiable lust for unethical, sadistic entertainment.

Plato's warning about society becoming enslaved within a consumer society through seductive artistic inducements, predicted the present use of nonstop global television advertising. The psychopathic rhetoric used by Adolph Hitler accompanied with dramatic artistic pageantry and poetic dialogue was undoubtedly evil. The present use of artistic buildings using religious indoctrination to excite warfare can be considered part of a tribal necessity to successfully wage war. Plato's electromagnetic aesthetically pleasing evil is now obviously evident in association with the mathematical intent programmed into an electronic poker-machine to bring some people into states of financial and moral bankruptcy. The number of casualties and refugees associated with such plutocratic misuse of artistic aesthetics is now threatening the structure of global society.

Professor Timothy Morton of the Rice University in Texas is considered one of the world's prominent philosophers. He associated Plato's electromagnetic demonisation of art in technical terminology as consistent with the functioning of a holographic universe. His book 'Art in The Age of Asymmetry' associated the 'Demonic Force of Art' with the physical universe's symmetrical gravitational field. Ethical asymmetrical field information activity, in its entanglement with gravitation evolved universal consciousness, as predicted by the Nobel Laureate, Szent-Gyorgy. Morton's brilliant research has been associated with the future development of a new asymmetrical electromagnetic technology.

Morton's Art in the Age of Asymmetry echoes Kant and Levinas' conviction that Plato had been searching for a spiritual asymmetrical electromagnetic field, which they had deduced was evolving within the artistic creative mind. Charles Proteus Steinmetz (1865-1923), mathematician and electromagnetic engineer, was the inventor of the physical electromagnetic power industry in the United States of America. He wrote that ignoring a spiritual asymmetrical electromagnetic technology was a great mistake as it would have been far superior to the technology he was paid to invent.

Szent-Gyorgyi's criticism of our cancerous science preventing the discovery of a cure for cancer was not about providing a medical cure for cancer victims at this time. It is about a science that will allow a new medical science to come into existence that will be capable of that. The Plutocratic financial acumen needed to wage wars of destructive information is, from a Neolithic Tribal Science viewpoint, a common sense prerequisite necessary for tribal survival. If the Plutocratic logic is simply entangled with antidote information within a computer designed to generate a human survival blueprint then that blueprint will become available. Once it comes into existence the relevant 3D holographic human survival technology can be developed for the betterment of the global human condition.

The artist, Salvador Dali, was a genius who was convinced that paintings could contain important invisible stereoscopic scientific messages. His painting Geopoliticus Child depicts the birth of a child born into C P Snows 3rd Science-Art society, free of the scientific limitations imposed by an obsolete Second law of thermodynamic culture. Currently a twelvemonth Dali 3D art exhibition is being held at the Dali Stereoscopic Museum in Spain where complex stereoscopic equipment is used to view two of Dali's paintings side by side in order to reveal their 3D message. Dali's protege, Louis Markoya is also presently exhibiting 3D fractal paintings at The Bridge Gallery in Colorado Springs, USA. In Australia, Australian Indigenous paintings are on exhibition alongside Western artwork with far more dramatic stereoscopic 3D images made more readily visible when simply viewed though asymmetrical electromagnetic stereoscopic glasses.

High-tech spectroscopy discoveries provide a precise and accurate way to prove the viability of the notion of conscious fractal holograms. However, the visual artistic evidence presented in Australia is now far more relevant to high-tech quantum biology human survival research than was ever imagined possible.

The problem at the moment is that the information upholding the obsolete 'Tribal Culture' has created a 3D global epidemic spread by the mass production of dysfunctional communication and information devices. Government appointed epidemiologists have classified this global 3D epidemic but have no antidote, admitting that the best they can do is to try and mitigate the great sociological damage it is now causing. The potential damage of the 3D global epidemic of dysfunctional Science-Art information would be Szent-Gyorgyi's tribal cancer entering into a sociological terminal state.

From the data submitted within this article the antidote to this epidemic was not difficult to discover by researchers able to think beyond the scientific restrictions imposed upon government appointed epidemiologists. High resolution pictures of the human cell about to divide exist and its geometrical shape is immediately recognized by epidemiologists as an infinite electromagnetic fractal geometrical expression. Although they have written that the antidote must be associated with what they refer to as a 'Cantorian sensibility', they are unable to associate fractal infinity with Cantor's infinite mathematical living process. The human metabolism generates asymmetrical electromagnetic fields interacting with symmetrical force fields. The field generated around a healthy cell at the point of division will not allow dysfunctional energy information to be transferred to contaminate the replica daughter cell during the process of cellular division. This denial of the evolutionary supremacy of second law extinction is not tolerated by prevailing science.

In 2016 Australian Science-Art, in collaboration with Italian quantum biologists and Quantum Art International, discovered the antidote for the global 3D dysfunctional information epidemic and Australia was internationally chosen to be the country to launch this discovery, as an integral aspect of the 21st Century Renaissance. The Australian Government's Ministry for Communication and the Arts was fully advised about this proposed Science-Art project but replied that all Science-Art grant applications must conform to the prevailing understanding of science. The Ministry then refused to discuss the matter further. As a result of this rejection European quantum biologists and Quantum Art International in 2016 presented the antidote theory, together with associated artworks at an International Competition of Contemporary Art, sponsored by the World Fund for Arts in Moscow. During the presentation it was awarded a First Prize and in 2017 the President of that organisation, in association with Quantum Art International, established a Science-Art Research Project to develop a futuristic human survival technology in Russia.

Serious concern exists that if antidote information is improperly fused with artificial intelligence already affected by the epidemic, then a global catastrophe will occur. In 2017 two American Universities created a 'Time Crystal' demonstrating that the understanding of the Second law of thermodynamics is an optical 3D illusion of reality. They also stated their intention to fuse information relevant to the antidote information into artificial intelligence memory technology. The human survival information contained in this article must be introduced to the general public as soon as is possible.

Arthur C Clarke's extraordinary film documentary 'Fractals The Colours of Infinity' is about a mathematical discovery that extends itself to infinity. Clarke considers this infinity to be greater than the life of the universe, echoing the present comprehension of the Second law of thermodynamics. From the perspective of an infinite living holographic universe this denial of the existence of quantum biological non-carcinogenic living information is the greatest problem threatening the survival of the human species.

During the documentary the discoverer of fractal mathematics, Benoit Mandlebrot, outlined future physical technologies associated with obtaining fractal information from photographs. He mentioned a curiosity concerning art, admitting that it was not known if the human brain contains apparatus for fractal application. What Mandelbrot didn't know was that the human brain is quite capable of creating fractal stereoscopic images and visual evidence exists to confirm this. Australian Indigenous paintings along with an international collection of artwork not only provides such verification but along with this information is the extraordinary Dreamtime conviction that this is a crucial aspect of reality.


Professor Robert Pope is the Director of the Science-Art Research Centre of Australia, Uki, NSW, Australia. The Center's objective is to initiate a second Renaissance in science and art, so that the current science will be balanced by a more creative science. More information is available at the Science-Art Centre website: http://www.science-art.com.au/books.html

Professor Robert Pope is a recipient of the 2009 Gold Medal Laureate for Philosophy of Science, Telesio Galilei Academy of Science, London. He is listed in Marquis Who's Who of the World as an Artist-philosopher, and has received a Decree of Recognition from the American Council of the United Nations University Millennium Project, Australasian Node.

As a professional artist, he has held numerous university artist-in-residencies, including Adelaide University, University of Sydney, the Dorothy Knox Fellowship for Distinguished Persons, and at Yangzhou University in China. His artwork has been featured of the front covers of the art encyclopedia, Artists and Galleries of Australia, Scientific Australian and the Australian Foreign Affairs Record. His artwork can be viewed on the Science-Art Centre's website.

5 Effective Cancer Treatment Methods

Januari 24, 2018
Are you suffering from cancer? Did you know there are many ways of getting rid of it? Some of these ways include:


The method is used in localized cancer. This is cancer that is contained in one area. Here the doctors take you to the theater and surgically remove the cancellous material. The surgery can be open or invasive. In open surgery, the surgeon makes a large cut and removes healthy tissues, the tumor, and sometimes the nearby lymph nodes. In invasive surgery, the surgeon makes a few small cuts and inserts a long, thin tube with a camera into the small cuts. The camera helps the doctor to monitor the inside of the body so that he/she can see what he/she is doing.


The method uses drugs to kill cancer cells. The treatment method works by stopping or slowing down the growth of cancellous cells. Doctors use the method to treat cancer and also ease the disease symptoms. Depending on the extent of your cancer, the treatment can be used alone or to help other methods. While the method is useful, its principal flaw is that the medications used tend not only to kill the tumor cells, it also kills the healthy cells.

Hormone therapy

Hormone therapy is used in the treatment of cancer that uses hormones to grow. The treatment works in two ways. It can block the body's ability to produce hormones. It can also interfere with how hormones behave in the body. In most cases, it's used with other treatment options where it reduces the size of the cancer cells. It also lowers the risk of cancer coming back and kills the cancer cells that might have returned or spread to other parts of the body.

Targeted therapy

Targeted therapy is the foundation of precision medicine. The treatment method focuses the parts that help the cancer cells to grow, spread, and divide. The method works in many ways. It helps the immune system to destroy cancer cells, stops the cancer cells from growing, prevents the signals that help the formation of blood vessels and causes the cancer cells to die.

Radiation therapy

This treatment option relies on high doses of radiation to kill cancer cells and shrink tumors. At high doses, radiation kills cancellous cells or slows their growth by damaging their DNA. The treatment option doesn't kill the cells right away-it takes a few days or weeks to do so.


These are some of the effective cancer treatment options you can get rid of cancellous cells in your body. To get the best medication, work with reputable doctors.

Are you looking for reputable 3D prostate treatment? You should visit our 3D clinic. We have the best cancer treatment tools and the best doctors.

The 3D Prostate Cancer Treatment

Januari 24, 2018
Cancer is one of the leading causes of deaths globally and has proved to be one of the toughest conditions to treat and eradicate in the human life. A genetic mutation causes cancer cells to have uncontrolled cell growth leading to tumors, and they can metastasize and affect any body organ or tissue. There various forms of cancer depending on the body part or system is affected, examples are leukemia, liver cancer, brain, breast cancer, ovarian cancer and prostate cancer among many.

Prostate cancer affects men mostly since it is cancer that attacks the prostate gland in the male reproductive system. The susceptibility of contracting it increases with age advancement, with men who are above the age of sixty being at a higher risk. However, there is significant research that has been conducted and early diagnosis could lead to complete recovery. The various ways of treating this cancer include incision of the gland, radiotherapy and most recently we have 3D prostate cancer treatment.

The 3D cancer of the prostate treatment is one of the best methods that is gaining much approval and practiced with specialty. This procedure surpasses the rest of the treatment protocols in that it completely wipes out the cancerous cells, with no chances of recurring. This technique targets and mitigates the causing factor hence providing the best recovery without the fear of relapse.

Steps Followed in 3D Cancer Treatment.

Identification of cancer causing factor, this is done through thorough diagnostics that are carried on the entire system, such as biopsies and testing of the toxins in the glands.

The second step follows abolishing and clearing the infectious agents and toxins. This is done through drug administration straight into the glands. These drugs kill the causative agents and obliterate the cancer cells by inhibiting their proliferation as well as enforcing the body's' ability to fight infections.

The last step in the 3D treatment is enhancing the removal of the toxins and cancer cell debris from the system from the body thus allowing smooth recovery.

Advantages of 3D Prostate cancer Therapy.

· It is safe and has high efficacy compared to other forms of treatment. It guarantees no relapse of the condition in the future.

· Does not involve invasive procedures such as radiotherapy or surgery and hence has no side effects.

· The process takes a short span of time and the recovery period is short.


This form of treatment is arguably the best way to go in cancer eradication. Whenever one is diagnosed with cancer, the hopes of having a real life are bleak but thanks to 3D cancer treatment, there is more hope in the world of cancer therapy

If you are looking for the best 3D prostate treatment? Pay a visit to our 3D clinic and meet the best experts and well equiped facilities.

Why the Darkest Fruits and Vegetables Are the Most Powerful in Reducing Cancer Risk

Januari 24, 2018
Raw food is fresh, unprocessed food that has not been heated beyond 115 degrees. It is food that consists of leafy greens, fruits, vegetables, sea vegetables, sprouted seeds and nuts. Fresh greens, fruits, vegetables and sprouts are the best sources of raw foods. Raw food contains essential nutrients such as phytochemicals, enzymes, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

All these are required to enable the body to function at an optimal level. Raw food enhances the immune system, helps to reduce cancer risk, aids in weight loss, increases energy, improves memory, detoxification, digestion and elimination.

Eating food that consists predominantly of raw vegetables, greens, fruit, nuts, seeds and some cooked/steamed food is the best way to provide optimal nourishment for your body both short and long-term.


Phytochemicals are plant compounds responsible for characteristics such as the color, smell and taste of plants. Examples of phytochemicals include carotenoids, polyphenols (flavonoids, lignans, curcuminoids), chlorophylls and glucosinolates. They are the most natural powerful anti-cancer agents on earth.


Fruits and vegetables that have very deep dark colors are rich in a flavonoid called anthocyanins. Anthocyanins are found in berries like blackberries, blueberries, elderberries, strawberries, raspberries, grapes and cherries. They're also found in some vegetables like eggplants, red onions, purple cauliflower, purple corn and sweet potatoes.

The Benefits of Anthocyanins

These are some of the amazing benefits of anthocyanins:
Anti-cancer: Anthocyanins have been shown to reduce cancer risk in numerous studies.
Blood sugar reduction: Anthocyanins aids in lowering diabetes mellitus, cholesterol and blood sugar.
Powerful Antioxidation: Anthocyanins are very powerful antioxidants which have been shown to reduce of cancer by scavenging free radicals.
Immune system enhancement: Anthocyanins help the body prevent and fight diseases by increasing cellular DNA repair.
Blood pressure reduction: Anthocyanins help to reduce blood pressure, reducing heart disease risk.
Detoxification: They aid the liver in detoxification of toxins from the body.
Anti-inflammation: They remove free radicals which lead to inflammation in the body.
Anti-microbial function: Research shows that anthocyanins have potent antimicrobial properties.
Alkalinity: They increase alkalinity in the body which is great for maintaining homeostasis.
Enhanced brain function: Anthocyanins improve cognitive function, memory and prevent aged related mental decline.
Vision improvement: Anthocyanins have been shown to improve vision.

All these benefits show that anthocyanins are important for the human body and essential to include in your diet by increasing your intake of anthocyanin rich foods by eating more raw, dark organic fruits and vegetables. Bottom line, 1-2 handfuls of organic raw berries can very well help keep the doctor away!

About the Author

Dr. Amaka Nwozo is the founder of Raw Living Wellness and eMarketing Strategies Now. She is a dentist, author, wellness and digital marketing specialist. She is the author of Raw Anticancer, Heal Autism Right Now and Social Media Marketing Nuggets. Do you need a raw food health coach? Dr. Nwozo will be more than happy to help.

Contact her at http://rawlivingwellness.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9644661