Why the Darkest Fruits and Vegetables Are the Most Powerful in Reducing Cancer Risk

Januari 24, 2018
Raw food is fresh, unprocessed food that has not been heated beyond 115 degrees. It is food that consists of leafy greens, fruits, vegetables, sea vegetables, sprouted seeds and nuts. Fresh greens, fruits, vegetables and sprouts are the best sources of raw foods. Raw food contains essential nutrients such as phytochemicals, enzymes, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

All these are required to enable the body to function at an optimal level. Raw food enhances the immune system, helps to reduce cancer risk, aids in weight loss, increases energy, improves memory, detoxification, digestion and elimination.

Eating food that consists predominantly of raw vegetables, greens, fruit, nuts, seeds and some cooked/steamed food is the best way to provide optimal nourishment for your body both short and long-term.


Phytochemicals are plant compounds responsible for characteristics such as the color, smell and taste of plants. Examples of phytochemicals include carotenoids, polyphenols (flavonoids, lignans, curcuminoids), chlorophylls and glucosinolates. They are the most natural powerful anti-cancer agents on earth.


Fruits and vegetables that have very deep dark colors are rich in a flavonoid called anthocyanins. Anthocyanins are found in berries like blackberries, blueberries, elderberries, strawberries, raspberries, grapes and cherries. They're also found in some vegetables like eggplants, red onions, purple cauliflower, purple corn and sweet potatoes.

The Benefits of Anthocyanins

These are some of the amazing benefits of anthocyanins:
Anti-cancer: Anthocyanins have been shown to reduce cancer risk in numerous studies.
Blood sugar reduction: Anthocyanins aids in lowering diabetes mellitus, cholesterol and blood sugar.
Powerful Antioxidation: Anthocyanins are very powerful antioxidants which have been shown to reduce of cancer by scavenging free radicals.
Immune system enhancement: Anthocyanins help the body prevent and fight diseases by increasing cellular DNA repair.
Blood pressure reduction: Anthocyanins help to reduce blood pressure, reducing heart disease risk.
Detoxification: They aid the liver in detoxification of toxins from the body.
Anti-inflammation: They remove free radicals which lead to inflammation in the body.
Anti-microbial function: Research shows that anthocyanins have potent antimicrobial properties.
Alkalinity: They increase alkalinity in the body which is great for maintaining homeostasis.
Enhanced brain function: Anthocyanins improve cognitive function, memory and prevent aged related mental decline.
Vision improvement: Anthocyanins have been shown to improve vision.

All these benefits show that anthocyanins are important for the human body and essential to include in your diet by increasing your intake of anthocyanin rich foods by eating more raw, dark organic fruits and vegetables. Bottom line, 1-2 handfuls of organic raw berries can very well help keep the doctor away!

About the Author

Dr. Amaka Nwozo is the founder of Raw Living Wellness and eMarketing Strategies Now. She is a dentist, author, wellness and digital marketing specialist. She is the author of Raw Anticancer, Heal Autism Right Now and Social Media Marketing Nuggets. Do you need a raw food health coach? Dr. Nwozo will be more than happy to help.

Contact her at http://rawlivingwellness.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9644661
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